Productivity of mountain bows of the carpathians depending on surface improvement measures

Autor: V.H. Kyrhak, U.M. Karbivska, M.D. Voloshchuk, V.F. Martyshchuk
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Agriculture and plant sciences: theory and practice. :61-69
ISSN: 2786-4847
DOI: 10.54651/agri.2021.02.08
Popis: Purpose. To determine the peculiarities of formation of productivity, as well as the chemical composition, nutritional value and energy intensity of grass forage, depending on the measures of surface improvement of the meadows of the Carpathian mountain forest zone. Methods. Field works, laboratory, mathematical-statistical. Results. Productivity of haymaking and perennial mowing fluctuated on the range of 2.15–4.77 t/ha and 1.95–4.11 t/ha during the 3-year research of dry mass yield. Compared to the variants without additional sowing of grasses and fertilizer use, the highest productivity of haymaking was upon the additional sowing of cereal grass mixtures and applying of N60P30K60 – 12 % and 85 %, respectively. Productivity of perennial mowing increased upon the additional sowing of Trifolium repens and applying of P30K60 on 85 % and 111 % respectively. The best uniformity of distribution of biomass crop by slopes was obtained by the use of multifaceted use of creeping clover with the introduction of P30K60, when the proportion of 1st slope was 39%, 2nd - 33 and 3rd – 28% with unevenness, which is expressed by the coefficient variation - 18%. Among the measures of surface improvement on the quality of feed by chemical composition, increasing, first of all, the content of crude protein, influenced by the introduction of N60P30K60 or 15 t / ha of manure, and in the case of multi-grade use - the sowing of clover on the background P30K60. Irrespective of the measures of surface improvement, higher crude protein content, better energy consumption and nutritious nutritional value of feed were characterized by a multi-use (pasture imitation) mode of use than hay. Conclusions. For surface improvement of the meadows of the Carpathian mountain forest belt with natural herbage, the annual application of N60P30K60, or 15 t / ha of manure, or – N60P30K60 + sowing of a mixture of grass meadows and sapwood with sapwood, on the grass meadows, is a factor of increasing their productivity and improving the quality of herbage. use or – P30K60 + clover seeding for high quality use. The best positive effect is the application of mineral fertilizers in combination with sowing of perennial grasses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE