Ludwig von Mises’ Argument Against the Possibility of Socialism: Early Concepts and Contemporary Relevance

Autor: Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The First Socialization Debate (1918) and Early Efforts Towards Socialization ISBN: 9783030150235
Popis: Disagreements regarding the Socialist Calculation Debate (SCD) persist to this day and focus on interpretative issues and on its conclusiveness. This paper argues that both camps have largely been talking past one another and reviews 1. the early argument of Mises and predecessors; 2. the development of an “orthodox line” and its subsequent challenge by the emergence of a revisionist account; 3. the persistence of the standard account under the influence of both Friedrich von Wieser and Joseph Schumpeter; 4. lessons of the SCD for the theory of the firm; 5. the questionable relevance of Mechanism Design Theory for correctly understanding the SCD; and 6. the relevance of Godel’s Incompleteness Phenomenon in the context of computable economics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE