Star Covering Region Evaluation with Application to Star Tracker Design

Autor: Jing-hui Lu, Hong-li Wang, Cong Chen, Xiang-xiang Cui
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 27:291-296
ISSN: 1943-5525
Popis: The performance of a star tracker is closely linked to the characteristics of the guide star catalog. It is an essential part of design to estimate the number of guide stars observed by the star tracker in any given boresight direction. This paper reports on the star covering region evaluation method, which is used to find ranges of orientation where the star tracker can observe a star. With this method, a conservative number of guide stars observed by the star tracker in any given boresight direction can be quantitatively evaluated and credible ranges of orientation can be found, where the star tracker can observe enough guide stars to perform autonomous star identification; thus, verifying the design of the star tracker. The celestial sphere is divided into 131,072 approximately congruent spherical triangles, such that the star’s covering region can be approximately depicted by triangles in which the circumcenters are close enough to the star. Then, the stars observed by the tracker, in which th...
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