Mapping of bipolar outflows and methanol masers in the CS(2-1)line

Autor: G. M. Larionov, V. G. Promyslov, I. E. Val’tts
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Astronomy Reports. 45:331-338
ISSN: 1562-6881
Popis: Eighteen regions (bipolar outflows and methanol masers) are mapped in the CS(2-1) line using the 20-m Onsala radio telescope. The coordinates of the CS emission peaks are refined. The sizes and masses of dense regions are estimated for 13 maps. Measurement of the angular sizes of regions of emission indicates that all the sources were resolved by the Onsala radio telescope. The lower limit for the linear dimensions of the CS condensations studied is 0.2–2.1 pc. The hydrogen densities and masses of the CS condensations are estimated to be n(H2)=(0.3–13.1)×104 cm−3 and (M ≈ 7–2800M ⊙). Methanol masers are associated with denser and more massive regions, whether or not the maser condensation is connected with a bipolar outflow.
Databáze: OpenAIRE