Description des collisions électroniques triplement différentielles à faible transfert d'impulsion

Autor: C. Dal Cappello, C. Tavard, Alain Duguet
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Journal de Physique. 47:229-234
ISSN: 0302-0738
Popis: Simple quantum-mechanical models are found to be in strong disagreement with all (e,2e) triply-differential cross sections measurements out of the strict impulse collisional conditions. The second order perturbation method proposed in this article is found to reproduce the Coulomb-wave behaviour of the electron ejected from a hydrogen target under (e,2e) asymmetric conditions. As illustrated by the discussion of the helium atom results, this method provides the unique ab initio treatment presently known to describe (e,2e) measurements performed upon non-hydrogenic targets and at small momentum transfers Proposition d'un traitement particulier de perturbation qui reproduit au 2 nd ordre la trajectoire coulombienne d'ejection d'un electron atomique dans des collisions (2,2e). Etude detaillee du cas de l'atome H. Interpretation simple de resultats experimentaux recents en regime asymetrique de collision
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