Adjusting the Information Flow on Time to Perform Bicycles Daily Maintenance

Autor: Matei Tamasila, Andra Diaconescu, Gabriela Prostean, Patriciu Ruset
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Soft Computing Applications ISBN: 9783030519919
Popis: Caring for the environment in which we live has become a sensitive issue in the major ecological debates around the world. The attention is directed to the promotion and use of alternative means of transportation. The emergence and use of alternative means of transportation offers eco-friendly benefits to the population. The bicycle-sharing new trend which has developed in major cities in recent years is also present in Timisoara, Romania. Our research provides an improvement for a maintenance process so that the bikes are reliable at any point or station within the city at any time of the day. In this paper, the team of researchers presents the maintenance process approaches for the bicycle park of the Timisoara city. Process description in this research brings an improvement in choosing the moment when it is necessary to have a technical inspection for bicycles and to know the maneuvres costs through the public procurement procedure made by the best bidder.
Databáze: OpenAIRE