Carbohydrates, invertase activity, growth and dimorphism inSporisorium reilianum

Autor: Shyamala Bhaskaran, Roberta H. Smith
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Mycopathologia. 122:35-41
ISSN: 1573-0832
DOI: 10.1007/bf01103707
Popis: Sporisorium reilianum, the fungus that causes sorghum head smut, was grown with sucrose, lactose, trehalose or raffinose in liquid suspension or on a solid medium. Liquid culture media were analyzed for hydrolysis products of these carbohydrates to determine extracellular enzyme activity of the fungus. Increased amounts of glucose and fructose in the culture medium ofS. reilianum grown with sucrose or raffinose indicated that invertase (β-fructofuranosidase, activity was present. No evidence of extracellular galactosidase or trehalase activity was found. Enhanced sporidial colony formation on carbohydrates that can be hydrolyzed to hexoses, and specific forms of mycelial growth on lactose, trehalose or on a carbohydrate-deficient medium might suggest that mycelial growth is a way of foraging for food sources. However, the rapid and profuse mycelial growth on the host cell wall glycoprotein appears to be in response to abundant food supply (probably of a different type). Therefore availability of different kinds of carbon sources in the environment of the growing fungus might determine dimorphism and associated pathogenesis byS. reilianum.
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