Political Transformation of Social Conflicts in the Context of Global Political Risks and Threats (Theoretical View)

Autor: N. I. Romanova
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Proceedings of Southwest State University. Series: History and Law. 13:177-187
ISSN: 2223-1501
Popis: Relevance. The phenomena and processes observed in the social system in the modern objectively conditioned conditions of dynamization and politicization have a stable tendency to the formation and accumulation of transformational potential. In this sense, social conflicts at the present stage are often transformed into political conflicts within the framework of an unprecedentedly developing and increasingly complex socio-political space. Of particular research interest is the identification of key features and patterns of political transformation of social conflicts in the focus of global political risks and threats. It also seems appropriate to formulate specific practical measures of approximating specifics in the direction of managing the political and transformational potential of modern social conflicts.Purpose. The main purpose of this article is to present a theoretical overview of the transformation of social conflicts in the context of global political risks and threats.Objectives: formulation of global political risks and threats at the ideological-conceptual, activity-functional, structural and institutional, resource and interactive levels, identification of key features and patterns of political transformation of social conflicts.Methodology. The author mainly used the following group of methods in the process of writing the article: information analysis, content analysis, event analysis, sociological analysis.Results. Taking into account the stated research issues, it seems appropriate to formulate specific practical measures of approximating specifics in the direction of managing the political and transformational potential of modern social conflicts.Conclusion. Within the framework of the modern global socio-political reality, generating and reproducing a huge number of social and other conflicts, it is necessary to pay more attention to the phenomenology of social conflict as such, implying, firstly, a positive and naturalistic perception of the conflictogenic nature of political phenomena and processes, and secondly, the implementation of targeted monitoring of political and conflict dynamics, thirdly, the organization of discussions on open and verified platforms, and fourthly, improving the effectiveness of existing regulatory and legal regulations and formal procedures.
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