Efficacy of an Enrichment Media for Increasing Threshold for Carbapenem-ResistantEnterobacteriaceaeScreening

Autor: Avi Peretz, Natlya Isakovich, Hila Mizrahi, Anna Koifman, Ilana Aharon, Kozitta Labay, Nina Pastukh, Diana Brodsky
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. 30:563-566
ISSN: 0887-8013
Popis: Background Identification of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is complex and a major laboratory challenge; clinical cultures may diagnose only some of the CRE carriers among patients, thus it is crucial to perform asymptomatic carriage screening. Materials and methods We compare the efficacy of a rectal sample culture prior to enrichment with BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) Broth and following 18–24 h. All rectal samples were applied on CHROMagar KPC selective growth media and then seeded on MacConkey agar selective growth media with an applied disk of Imipenem antibiotic on top of the media, then inserted into enrichment BHI Broth. After 18–24 h incubation with enrichment media, all samples were applied again on this media. Results From the 2,245 rectal samples, CRE colonies were found in 96 (4.3%). Following enrichment with BHI Broth, CRE colonies were found in 111 (4.9%) CHROMagar KPC plates and 106 (4.7%) MacConkey agar. Conclusion We were able to demonstrate that the number of CRE-positive results increased due to use of additional enrichment with BHI Broth. Therefore, we recommend applying this method of addition of liquid enrichment media as part of a culture protocol routine for CRE screening.
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