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Turkish Abstract: Bu arastirma, gocmenlerin gorus ve deneyimlerinden yararlanilarak, Turkiye’nin Dogu ve Guneydogu bolgelerinden Antalya’ya gelen gocmenlerin goc surecini, sosyo-mekânsal butunlesme ve aidiyet duzeylerini ve gocmenlerin geri donus egilimlerini belirlemeyi amaclamaktadir. Arastirma, Antalya’nin sosyo-ekonomik gelismislik duzeyi farkli uc mahallesinde amaca yonelik ve kartopu ornekleme yontemleri kullanilarak ulasilan on bes Dogu ve Guneydogu Anadolu kokenli gocmen ile yapilan derinlemesine gorusmelere dayanmaktadir. Calismanin bulgularina gore, katilimcilarin goc surecini baslatan ve devam ettiren en onemli faktor, sosyomekânsal bir sermaye olan gocmen aglaridir. Calismanin en onemli bulgusu, gocmenlerde farkli mekânsal aidiyet duygularinin gelismis olmasidir. English Abstract: By making use of the views and experience of the migrants, this research aims to determine the migration process and the socio-spatial belonging levels of the migrants who arrived in Antalya from the Eastern and South-eastern regions of Turkey and the tendencies of migrants to return. The research relies on the in-depth interviews with some fifteen migrants of Eastern and South-eastern Anatolian origin who were reached by using the purposeful and snowball sampling methods in three different neighborhoods of Antalya with different levels of socio-economic development. The interviews recorded in a voice recorder by using semistructured interview questions were first subjected to deciphering and then were conceptualized. According to the findings, the most important factor which initiated the migration process of the participants is the network of citizens. The most important finding is that different feelings of spatial belonging have developed in the migrants. |