Transgenders’ Mental Experiences of Gender Duality: A Qualitative Study in Iran

Autor: Fatemeh Danafar, Mahnaz Farahmand
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 14
ISSN: 1735-9287
DOI: 10.5812/ijpbs.98368
Popis: Background: In many societies, transgender is a marginal minority that experience deprivation and isolation in cultural discourse, and find many social and psychological problems. Objectives: The present inquiry aims is to study transgender’s interactive- mental experiences. Methods: A qualitative method is used to study the lived experiences of transgender. Twenty five transgender in the cities of Yazd, Mashhad, and Tehran were selected through snowball sampling for an in-depth interview. The transcripts of interviews were analyzed through theoretical coding. Results: The analysis of interviews showed mental distress as the main phenomenon of transgenders. The results indicated that transgender’s life experiences consisted of gender-mental dimensions (duality of gender self-concept, duality of gender presentation and dual gender performance) and gender-interaction dimension (family, friends, school interaction, and lack of social opportunities). Transgender’s strategies in such situations are often removing sex organs, anonymity, and isolation. Other consequences include sexual abuse, drug addiction, and suicide. Conclusions: In the current research, the constructed meanings of these people suggest that transgender is experiencing complex, insecure, and difficult life world. So educating the families, society, and media can play an effective role in reducing and managing their problems.
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