Catalysis Reduction of NO and HCN/NH3 during Reburning: a Short Review

Autor: Ya Xin Su, Wen Yi Deng, Heng Gen Shen
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. :365-368
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/
Popis: Reburning is effective to control NO emission. The paper presents a short review on recent research on catalysis reduction of NO and HCN/NH3by some metal and their oxides during reburning. The major difficulties that limit NO reduction efficiency by reburning involve the re-oxidation of the intermediate products during reburning, HCN/NH3and char nitrogen to NO. So far, results showed that Fe2O3could reduce the formation of HCN/NH3after reburning and metallic iron could directly reduce NO to N2. Temperature and co-existing gases influenced the catalysis performance of Fe and its oxides. Detailed mechanism and kinetics of the reactions should be further investigated.
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