Reactions of Dienes with a Mo(0) Complex with Tetraphosphine Coligand [Mo(P4)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)] (P4 =Meso-o-C6H4(PPhCH2CH2PPh2)2)

Autor: Hidetake Seino, Yasushi Mizobe
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 57:135-143
ISSN: 0009-4536
Popis: Reaction of tetraphosphine complex [Mo(κ 4 -P4)(Ph 2 PCH 2 CH 2 PPh 2 )] (1; P4 = meso-o-C 6 H 4 -(PPhCH 2 CH 2 PPh 2 ) 2 ) with E-1,3-pentadiene in toluene at 60 °C gave the η 4 -diene complex [Mo(η 4 -E-1,3-pentadiene)(κ 4 -P4)] (2), which is present as a mixture of two isomers due to the orientation of the Me group in the diene ligand. Treatment of 1 with Z-1,3-pentadien also resulted in the formation of 2 as the sole product after heating the reaction mixture at 90 °C. Whereas the reaction of 1 with 1,3-cyclohexadiene at 60 °C afforded the η 4 -diene complex [Mo(η 4 -cyclohexadiene)(κ 4 -P4)] (6), that with cyclopentadiene led to the C-H bond scission product [(η 5 -C 5 H 5 )MoH(κ 3 -P4)] (7). Detailed structures were determined by X-ray crystallography for 2, 6, and 7, and fluxional feature of 6 in solution was clarified based on the VT-NMR studies.
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