3D modeling of CFD simulation on the effect of M-package arrangement on household energy consumption

Autor: M. Arif Budiyanto, Anton Permana, Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, Budihardjo, Nasruddin Nasruddin, Edy Susanto
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.5086585
Popis: M-Package is a fundamental requirement for energy consumption test according to SNI ISO 15502: 2008 standard. The arrangement of M-Package is important because it affects airflow and heat transfer impact on the energy consumption of a refrigerator. Different arrangements cause disparate energy consumption results of refrigerators with the same specifications and brand. To prove this hypothesis, this study used the numerical method and modeling using ANSYS/CFD software. Geometry modeling is carried out on as many as 4 models; one of which is a model based on the layout of the M-Package arrangement carried out by QA Test Laboratory for manufacturing, which will be used as a comparison of the three variations of modeling. In the boundary condition, simulation is carried out by convection heat transfer between cold air and M-Package, as well as the refrigerator wall with a temperature environment (T∞ = 32 °C). The data validation used in this simulation is from a household refrigerator energy consumption test. The results obtained can support or be a reference for the arrangement of M-Packages when testing energy consumption according to SNI ISO 15502: 2008 standard.
Databáze: OpenAIRE