Definite Reference Mutability

Autor: Milanova, Ana
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.4230/lipics.ecoop.2018.25
Popis: Reference immutability type systems such as Javari and ReIm ensure that a given reference cannot be used to mutate the referenced object. These systems are conservative in the sense that a mutable reference may be mutable due to approximation. In this paper, we present ReM (for definite Re[ference] M[utability]). It separates mutable references into (1) definitely mutable, and (2) maybe mutable, i.e., references whose mutability is due to inherent approximation. In addition, we propose a CFL-reachability system for reference immutability, and prove that it is equivalent to ReIm/ReM, thus building a novel framework for reasoning about correctness of reference immutability type systems. We have implemented ReM and applied it on a large benchmark suite. Our results show that approximately 86.5% of all mutable references are definitely mutable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE