Autor: Bo Troedsson, Anders Helgée, Tommy Hammar, Gudrun Bremle, Per Larsson
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 107:237-250
ISSN: 0049-6979
DOI: 10.1023/a:1019879000011
Popis: Remediation of 150 000 m3 of sediment containing400 kg PCB was performed by suction dredging in asmall lake in Sweden in the summers of 1993 and 1994.Upon project completion calculations indicated that97% of the PCB was deposited in a landfill withsubsequent low transport to the surroundings, andthat 2.9 kg was left in the lake sediment.Concentrations of PCB that were measured weekly in thewater leaving the lake were 12 ng/L (geometric mean)during dredging, not exceeding 30 ng/L and notsignificantly higher than in investigations preceedingthe remedial action. The concentration of PCB wasnegatively correlated to water discharge andpositively correlated to water temperature. PCBtransport in the river was correlated to waterdischarge but not to the dredging activity. Duringdredging of the most contaminated part of the lake,the dredging area was screened off by a geotextilesilt curtain that reduced leakage of PCB to the riverdownstream.
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