Landschaft, Landschaftsbewusstsein und landschaftliche Identität als Potenziale für die regionale Entwicklung – Eine empirische Fallstudie in Glarus Süd, SchweizLandscape, Landscape Awareness, and Landscape Identity as Potentials for Regional Development – An Empirical Case Study in Southern Glarus, Switzerland

Autor: Annemarie Bucher, Christine Meier, Reto Hagenbuch
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society. 19:213-222
ISSN: 0940-5550
Popis: A transdisciplinary understanding of landscape – as a geographical space and as a cultural concept – offers a new approach for sustainable landscape development. This case study of a peripheral mountain region in Switzerland empirically investigates physical landscape as well as landscape awareness and landscape identity on the part of the local population. It seeks to make both aspects of landscape useful for sustainable regional development. Physical landscape was described by cultural-geographical methods; landscape awareness and identity were investigated by a quantitative-qualitative survey. The results show great affinity and a positive attitude of the residents towards their landscape. It was also revealed that the population seems to differentiate between "typical" rural landscapes associated with nature and cultural development, and "normal" landscapes associated with settlements and infrastructure. Landscape is thus shown to be both a functional space and an important part of regional identity. Consequently, landscape has the potential to be relevant for sustainable development.Landschaft hat große Bedeutung für die Identifikation der Bevölkerung. Das Beispiel einer Randregion mit Bevölkerungsrückgang und Agglomerisierung zeigt das Potenzial einer landschaftsorientierten Raumentwick lung, die ästhetische und emotionale Qualitäten der Landschaft und ihre Wirkung auf Psyche und Identität einbezieht.
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