Incursiuni generale privind aplicarea legii penale

Autor: Mihail, SORBALA
Jazyk: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5639441
Popis: General Incursions Regarding the Application of the Criminal Law Individual freedom and security of the person is one of the most sensitive and complex human values which, along with other fundamental rights, plays a primordial role in a democratic society. Legal relations are presented as legal norms in action. Both the interpretation and the application of legal norms must lead to the realization of law in social relations. The realization of the rule of law, in general, presupposes on the part of all the addressees of the law a conduct in accordance with the provisions of the law in order to a good development of the social relations. Thus, for the law to act promptly and effectively - either criminally or extra-criminally - this presupposes the possibility and necessity of its application. The application of the legal norm designates everything that is necessary for their transposition and for the protection of subjective rights. However, in order to be in the presence of the legal order, the state must be able not only to create rules, but also to determine their effective implementation, both through actions that stimulate subjects to voluntarily submit to the rules and by organizing an institutionalized effective constraint. Raporturile juridice se prezint�� ca norme juridice ��n ac��iune. At��t interpretarea, c��t ��i aplicarea normelor juridice trebuie s�� duc�� la realizarea dreptului ��n rela��iile sociale. Realizarea ordinii de drept, ��n general, presupune din partea tuturor destin��tarilor legii o conduit�� conform�� cu dispozi��iile legii ��n vederea unei bune desf����ur��rii a rela��ilor sociale. Astfel, ca legea s�� ac��ioneze prompt ��i efectiv ��� fie penal, fie extrapenal ��� aceasta presupune posibilitatea ��i necesitatea aplic��rii ei. Aplicarea normei juridice desemnez�� tot ceeea ce este necesar pentru transpunerea ��n via���� a acestora ��i pentru protec��ia drepturilor subiective. ��ns��, pentru a fi ��n prezen��a ordinii juridice, statul trebuie s�� fie capabil nu doar s�� creeze norme, dar ��i s�� determine realizarea lor efectiv��, at��t prin ac��iuni care s�� stimuleze subiec��ii de a se supune voluntar normelor, c��t ��i prin organizarea unei constr��ngeri institu��ionalizate efective.
Databáze: OpenAIRE