Famelica leucospira Abbate & V. & Lima & L. & Simone 2022, n. sp

Autor: Abbate, Daniel, V. Lima, Patricia Oristanio, L. Simone, Luiz Ricardo
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7459119
Popis: Famelica leucospira n. sp. (Figs 2; 3) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D3A93B13-5608-44EA-BAFA-D7CD98D202E2 Famelica mirmidina – Absalão et al. 2005: 35, figs 104, 116. — Figueira & Absalão 2012: 6, figs 3, 4 (non Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896). HOLOTYPE. — Brazil • Espírito Santo, Vitoria-Trindade Chain; St. DC70, Dredge Charcot-Picard; 18°59’S, 37°47’W; 1540-1550 m depth; MD55; Bouchet, Leal & Métivier col.; 26.V.1987; MNHN- IM-2000-38590 (Fig. 2 A-C). PARATYPES. — Brazil • 2 shells (Figs 2 D-F; 3A, E-G); Espirito Santo; off Marataízes, sta. DS05; 21°26’S, 39°56’W; 1400-1420 m depth; 09. V.1987; MNHN-IM-2000-38591 • 1 shell (Fig. 3B, C); same data; MZSP 157441 • 1 shell; off Vitoria; Vitoria-Trindade Chain; Bouchet, Leal & Métivier col.; Expedition MD55; sta. DC72, 18°59’S, 37°47’W; 950-1050 m depth; MNHN-IM-2000-38592 • 1 shell; same data; 27. V.1987; MZSP 157439 (Fig. 2 G-I) • 1 shell; 28. V.1987; sta. CB79; 19°02’S, 37°48’W; 1500-1575 m depth; MNHN-IM-2000-38593 • 2 shells; Rio de Janeiro; Bacia de Campos (Mapem Project); 21°08’13”S, 40°10’23”W; 902 m depth; MZSP 114454 • 1 shell 21°08’27”S, 40°10’26”W; same data; 902 m depth; MZSP 114479 • 6 shells; same data; sta. OPII#68; 12. VI.2003; 22°48’05”S, 40°06’38”W; 1972 m depth; IBUFRJ 18465 (Fig. 3 H-K). TYPE LOCALITY. — Brazil, Espírito Santo, Vitoria-Trindade Chain, 18°59’S, 37°47’W, 1540-1550 m. ETYMOLOGY. — The specific name is from the Latin leuco, an adjective that refers to the white colour; and spira, including the protoconch and the teleoconch of pure white colour. DIAGNOSIS. — Shell c. 7 mm, spire angle 35-39°. Protoconch with low carina in inferior third mostly marked by axial nodes. Whorls weakly angled in superior third; sculpture lacking, except for very weak chevrons, showing past very shallow anal notch. Canal shorter than 10% of total length. Inner lip rounded, concave, lacking folds. DISTRIBUTION. — Brazil: Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. HABITAT. — Muddy and sandy bottoms, bathypelagic zone, 760- 3360 m. DESCRIPTION Shell (Figs 2; 3) About 7 mm, fusiform, about twice as long as wide, with c. 7 convex whorls. Colour white to cream, sometimes with light orange spots throughout shell. Protoconch (Figs 2C, F, I; 3C, F, G, I) with low carina in inferior third; consisting of two parts (Fig. 3I): 1) first part blunt, smooth, gradually with small pustules, dome-shaped, light brown, with 1.5 whorls; transition indistinct; 2) second part c. 1.5-2 whorls, cream, sculptured by vertical ribs near inferior suture, interconnected by narrow cord in carina level (Fig. 3C, D). Teleoconch smooth, lacking sculpture, fragile, possessing only shallow chevrons of growth lines almost imperceptible (Figs 2B, E, G; 3A, E, H). Very shallow, weak angulation between middle and superior thirds (Figs 2A, B, G; 3E). Suture deep, well-marked. Spire angle 35-40°. Aperture wide, elliptical, about 1.5 as long as wide; length about 1/4 of shell length (Figs 2A, D, G; 3A, B, E, H, J, K). Siphonal canal short, narrow, simple; turned forward; about 10% of total shell length (Figs 2A, G; 3J, K). Anal notch shallow, located between middle and superior thirds of outer lip (checked by growth lines) (Figs 2B; 3J, K). Outer lip thin, fragile, rounded, smooth without sculpture or lirae (Figs 2G; 3J, K). Inner lip similar arched as outer lip, weakly angled in middle (Fig. 2A, G). Callus very thin, almost absent, not folded. No umbilicus. Measurements (length × width in mm) Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-38590: 5.1 by 2.2 (Fig. 2A, B). paratypes MNHN-IM-2000-38591: 6.8 by 3.9 (Fig. 2D, E); MZSP 157439: 4.6 by 1.9 (Fig. 2G, H).
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