The Focus-Metaphor Approach: A Novel Concept for the Design of Adaptive and User-Centric Interfaces

Autor: Sven Laqua, Paul Brna
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2005 ISBN: 9783540289432
DOI: 10.1007/11555261_26
Popis: The Focus-Metaphor Approach is a novel concept for the design of adaptive and user-centric virtual environments which seeks to use a form of associativity to adapt the interface to the user whilst keeping one primary focus element and many secondary and peripheral focus elements. In this paper, the underlying theory is presented and differentiated from related research. The proposed solution has been implemented as a prototype and tested for usability issues using an online evaluation and in-laboratory eye-tracking to find some evidence that time spent off-communication is reduced. The results are reported briefly, implications considered and the areas for further work are pointed out.
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