Report of Snowmass 2001 Working Group E2: Electron-Positron Colliders from the Phi to the Z

Autor: G. Eigen, Abi Soffer, Nobu Katayama, Yuri Maravin, David W.G.S. Leith, Willard Johns, Gudrun Hiller, A. Roodman, J.T. Seeman, Sheldon Stone, Steven Robertson, L. K. Gibbons, Steve Dytman, Michael Luke, Andrei Gritsan, Roberto Calabrese, D. G. Hitlin, Gustavo Burdman, Tenaji Sen, Yukiyoshi Ohnishi, Zhen-guo Zhao, Caterina Bloise, Penelope Kasper, M. Mandelkern, Xinchou Lou, Daniel M. Kaplan, Robert K. Kutschke, Klaus Monig, David Cassel, Ian Shipsey, Ron Ray, Marina Artuso, Franz-Joseph Decker, S. Pordes, Jik Lee, William Marciano, Diego Bettoni, Paul B. Mackenzie, Sibylle Petrak, Peter Kim, H. Yamamoto, Joel N. Butler, Yasuhiro Okada
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: We report on the status and plans of experiments now running or proposed for electron-positron colliders at energies between the {phi} and the Z. The e{sup +}e{sup -} B and charm factories we considered were PEP-II/BABAR, KEKB/Belle, superKEK, SuperBABAR, and CESR-c/CLEO-c. We reviewed the programs at the {phi} factory at Frascati and the proposed PEP-N facility at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We studied the prospects for B physics with a dedicated linear collider Z factory, associated with the TESLA high energy linear collider. In all cases, we compared the physics reach of these facilities with that of alternative experiments at hadron colliders or fixed target facilities.
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