Das atypische Hypothenar-Hammer-Syndrom - eine seltene Differenzialdiagnose der akralen Durchblutungsstörung der Hand

Autor: C. Voigt, R. Smektala, C. Müller-Mai, M. König
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Handchirurgie · Mikrochirurgie · Plastische Chirurgie. 36:59-63
ISSN: 1439-3980
Popis: We report on an acral circulatory disorder of the hand, representing a Hypothenar-Hammer-Syndrome (HHS) with atypical symptoms. The patient suffered from a radial circulatory disorder of his right hand, clinically representing a secondary M. Raynaud. The symptoms occurred after a single severe trauma of the right hand and after using both hands like a hammer. Angiography showed a cork-screw sign of the A. ulnaris at the typical area and an open Arcus palmaris superficialis as well as occlusions of multiple finger arteries. Symptoms improved significantly after lysis. The most important differential diagnosis is endangiitis obliterans according to angiography. If symptoms occur again, histology is recommended to exclude vasculitis. Surgery should be discussed if the HHS is confirmed, since a cork-screw morphology of the A. ulnaris exists as well as perfusion of the fingers mainly via the A. ulnaris. Also a radial circulatory disorder of the hand combined with typical anamnesis may represent a HHS.
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