Surface Residue and In‐Row Treatment Effects on Long‐Term No‐Tillage Continuous Corn

Autor: J. B. Swan, William H. Paulson, Roger L. Higgs, Arthur E. Peterson, Theodore B. Bailey, Nyle C. Wollenhaupt
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Agronomy Journal. 86:711-718
ISSN: 1435-0645
DOI: 10.2134/agronj1994.00021962008600040024x
Popis: Many farmers in the northern Corn Belt are reluctant to adopt notillage practices with continuous corn (Zea mays L.) because they fear that phenological development, stand establishment, and grain yield will be reduced compared with moldboard or chisel plowing. Mechanical removal of in-row residue at planting may reduce or eliminate these problems. The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of surface crop residue and planter attachments on in-row cover, seed placement, plant density, grain yield, and grain moisture content of notillage corn, and to determine if these effects changed with time. Three postharvest residue levels, residue removed, normal, and double, were compared from 1984 through 1990 on Rozetta and Palsgrove silt loam soils in southwestern Wisconsin [...]
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