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Despite the ecological importance of long-distance dispersal in insects, its underlying mechanistic basis is poorly understood. One critical question is how insects interact with the wind to increase their travel distance as they disperse. To gain insight into dispersal using a species amenable to further investigation using genetic tools, we conducted release-and-recapture experiments in the Mojave Desert using the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster. We deployed chemically-baited traps in a 1 km-radius ring around the release site, equipped with machine vision systems that captured the arrival times of flies as they landed. In each experiment, we released between 30,000 and 200,000 flies. By repeating the experiments under a variety of conditions, we were able to quantify the influence of wind on flies’ dispersal behavior. Our results confirm that even tiny fruit flies could disperse ∼15 km in a single flight in still air, and might travel many times that distance in a moderate wind. The dispersal behavior of the flies is well explained by a model in which animals maintain a fixed body orientation relative to celestial cues, actively regulate groundspeed along their body axis, and allow the wind to advect them sideways. The model accounts for the observation that flies actively fan out in all directions in still air, but are increasingly advected downwind as winds intensify. In contrast, our field data do not support a Lévy flight model of dispersal, despite the fact that our experimental conditions almost perfectly match the core assumptions of that theory.Significance StatementFlying insects play a vital role in terrestrial ecosystems, and their decline over the past few decades has been implicated in a collapse of many species that depend upon them for food. By dispersing over large distances, insects transport biomass from one region to another and thus their flight behavior influences ecology on a global scale. Our experiments provide key insight into the dispersal behavior of insects, and suggest that these animals employ a single algorithm that is functionally robust in both still air and under windy conditions. Our results will make it easier to study the ecologically important phenomenon of long-distance dispersal in a genetic model organism, facilitating the identification of cellular and genetic mechanisms. |