A Mixed-Method Examination of Faith and Outgroup Dehumanization During COVID: Paradoxical Enactment Patterns

Autor: Suraj Sharma, Ying Yi Hong, Leigh Anne Liu
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/8xuhw
Popis: We use a mixed-method design to investigate religious outgroup dehumanization in American Christians and Buddhists at different levels of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity to determine how religion and religiosity interact in shielding against existential threat during the pandemic. We find a significant four-way interaction between religion, intrinsic religiosity, extrinsic religiosity, and impact of religious practice due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At higher levels of impact of Covid-19 on religious practice (but not lower levels), Christians high on extrinsic religiosity (but low on intrinsic religiosity) dehumanized religious outgroups the most, whereas Christians high on extrinsic and high on intrinsic religiosity dehumanized religious outgroups significantly less. At low levels of impact of Covid-19 on religious practice, only higher levels of extrinsic religiosity were related to higher levels of dehumanization. Buddhists, regardless of level of religiosity and impact of Covid-19 to religious practice, consistently rated religious outgroups the same. We use qualitative responses to further explore and substantiate these findings. These paradoxical enactment patterns contribute to religion and terror management literature.
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