Policy and practice in the targeting of integrated pre‐five provision

Autor: J. Eric Wilkinson
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Early Child Development and Care. 108:51-66
ISSN: 1476-8275
DOI: 10.1080/0300443951080105
Popis: This paper examines the functioning of an admissions policy to integrated pre‐five provision based on criteria of social need by a quantitative analysis of applications/admissions and a qualitative analysis of the decision making process. The results show that the nurseries were more successful in attracting and admitting children from families with defined social needs such as single parent families, special educational needs, low socio‐economic status and family stress than nursery schools despite a common policy. Admission panels operated an inter‐agency network to allocate places though some professional agencies e.g. health visitors were reluctant to share relevant information. The strengths and weaknesses of the policy are examined in the light of the findings.
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