Chaenothecopsis oreganaNew to Canada

Autor: Diane L. Haughland, Mireille Martel
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Evansia. 33:34-39
ISSN: 0747-9859
Popis: During field surveys in the Lower Foothills region of Lesser Slave Lake, Alberta, we collected the first Canadian record of the resinicolous calicioid fungus Chaenothecopsis oregana Rikkinen. The specimen was collected from balsam fir (Abies balsamifera) resin and resin-impregnated wood in an old growth forest. We present the first scanning electron micrographs of this species. As currently documented, the species has a disjunct distribution (Europe and western North America), but it was hypothesized to be circumboreal, at least historically. As this was the sole resinicolous specimen found during 20 hours of searching by four lichenologists, it is clear more field surveys are required to document the range of calicioid species. Finally, based on public engagement through social media and a public lecture, with the purpose of arousing interest in these overlooked species, we propose the common name “Resin Whiskers” for this species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE