Interface-mediated amorphization of coesite by 200 keV electron irradiation

Autor: H. S. Xie, W. L. Gong, Rodney C. Ewing, L. M. Wang
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics. 81:2570-2574
ISSN: 1089-7550
DOI: 10.1063/1.363920
Popis: Electron-induced amorphization of coesite was studied as a function of irradiation temperature by in situ transmission electron microscopy at an incident energy of 200 keV. Electron-induced amorphization of coesite is induced by an ionization mechanism and is mainly dominated by an interface-mediated, heterogeneous nucleation-and-growth controlled process. Amorphous domains nucleate at surfaces, crystalline-amorphous (c-a) interfaces, and grain boundaries. This is the same process as the interface-mediated vitrification of coesite by isothermal annealing above the thermodynamic melting temperature (875 K), but below the glass transition temperature (1480 K). The interface-mediated amorphization of coesite by electron irradiation is morphologically similar to interface-mediated thermodynamic melting.
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