Fuzzy ecoDSS Development for Road Traffic Engineering

Autor: Astari Retnowardhani, Sofie Nurlatifani, Ditdit Nugeraha Utama
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).
DOI: 10.1109/icimtech.2018.8528172
Popis: A road traffic engineering (RTE) is realistically required to reduce the road traffic congestion (RTC) degree. The congestion negatively affects not only to economy and physiology factors, but also for human environment and health. This paper methodologically represents the development of ecological decision support system based on the concept of fuzzy logic (Fuzzy ecoDSS) for RTE. Three types of core method operated here; fuzzy logic, water flow algorithm (WFA), and object oriented. The method fuzzy logic used to avoid the fuzziness in parameterizing and prioritize the parameters. The WFA approach functioned to replicate the flow of road traffic and optimize it thru RTE. Finally, the method object oriented benefited to analyze and design the constructed system. Thus, the simulation result exhibits the best decision alternative taken gives better air condition (more 200% than normal condition) and better road traffic velocity (more 2,200% than normal situation).
Databáze: OpenAIRE