Inversion of data from the multifrequency electromagnetic method – EMMF

Autor: Cícero Roberto Teixeira Régis, Anderson Almeida da Piedade
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014.
Popis: This abstract presents the first results obtained in the inversion of data from the Electromagnetic Multifrequency method. This method’s observations are a function of the radial magnetic component of the field generated by a very large loop of current on the surface, at distances of several kilometers, and at a wide range of frequencies. The method is being applied with good results in sedimentary basins in Brazil. We present examples of 1D inversion of synthetic data and also of a sample from a single measuring station on a real survey line acquired in the Brazilian Southeast. These early results indicate the good potential of this kind of data to resolve geoelectric structures in sedimentary basins.
Databáze: OpenAIRE