Utilization of Nonlinear Resonance of Vessels for Ocean Wave Power Generation

Autor: M. Amin Karami, Karthik Yerrapragada
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Volume 6: 11th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control.
Popis: This paper presents a method to utilize the pitch-roll nonlinear energy transfer phenomenon in vessels for off-shore wave power generation. This paper builds on an existing design where the power generator is a horizontal pendulum on board a vessel. The surface waves result in rocking of the ship, which in turn results in rotation of the pendulum. The pendulum is connected to a DC generator to produce power. The coupled electro-mechanical system is modeled using energy methods. The design in this paper utilizes the nonlinear coupling between the roll and pitch motions of the generator vessel. The natural frequency of the roll motion of the vessel is tuned to be twice the fundamental frequency of the pitch motion. In this specific condition when the vessel is excited in the pitch direction, the energy is nonlinearly transferred to the roll mode and the vessel oscillates in the roll direction. It is shown that the combination of the pitch as well as roll motion is far superior to the pitch motion since the combination results in full rotations of pendulum. A pendulum in full rotations generates orders of magnitude more power compared to a locally oscillating pendulum.Copyright © 2015 by ASME
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