Design of ROVs for the Mexican power and oil industries

Autor: J. L. Gonzalez-Lopez, L.G. Garcia-Valdovinos, L. F. Martinez-Soto, J. C. Pedraza-Ortega, P. A. Resendiz-Gonzalez, Tomas Salgado-Jimenez
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 2010 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI 2010).
DOI: 10.1109/carpi.2010.5624437
Popis: Underwater robots have had a significant contribution in the inspection, maintenance and repair of underwater structures related to the power and oil industry. Underwater robots have a big potential application in Mexico due to, the two federal Mexican companies related with the power and oil are in constant expansion. CIDESI is working in two projects (Shadow water ROV and Deep water ROV) related to visual inspection ROVs applied to the power and oil industries. Visual inspection is the essential application for a ROV, and it is used into the tasks; underwater structure inspection (dams included), underwater oil production system inspection and underwater pipeline inspection. This applied research paper firstly gives a brief instruction of the two Mexican companies related with the power and oil. Subsequently a description of the objectives and main characteristics of the developed hallow and deep water ROVs are presented and finally a general conclusions and future work is listed.
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