Configuration Measurement for FPGA-based Trusted Platforms

Autor: Benjamin Glas, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser, Alexander Klimm, Jürgen Becker
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
DOI: 10.1109/rsp.2009.28
Popis: This paper proposes a method for measuring hardwareconfigurations for trusted platforms based on field programmablegate arrays (FPGA). The proposed system setupallows for partial reconfiguration as well as full reconfigurationof FPGA devices that can be used additionallyas trusted platforms. In the system, slots are defined forfast partial dynamic reconfiguration. Predefined IP blocksmay be configured into these. The reconfiguration is monitoredand reported to a trusted platform module (TPM).Important configuration characteristics are extracted fromthe bitstream, stored, and evaluated in terms of predefinedpolicies to ensure the integrity of the trusted FPGA platform.By incorporating this method the chain-of-trust known fromtrusted computing is extended into the underlying hardware.This enables remote verifiers to ensure a correct configurationof the device in order to adhere to safety commitmentsand allows for highly adaptive, trusted system-on-chips.
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