Dépistage participatif des risques professionnels dans l’industrie du textile tunisienne

Autor: B. Abdallah, Charfeddine Amri, T. Khalfallah, N. Chaari, Mohamed Akrout, Lamia Bouzgarrou, M.A. Henchi, Jacques Malchaire
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement. 70:163-172
ISSN: 1775-8785
Popis: Introduction. Occupational health practitioners must place at the disposal of the companies, in Tunisia as elsewhere, simple but powerful tools, for the recognition, the evaluation and especially the prevention of occupational hazards. That is particularly urgent in the textile sector which, in the area of Monastir, has the highest rate of industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The objective of this work was to figure out whether or not the Deparis guide, first level of the Sobane, strategy, could fullfil this role ill the industrial and cultural Tunisian context and to determine how it could be integrated in the general system of business management. Material and method. The Deparis guide was used in 10 companies of the textile sector in the Monastir area in 2006-2007, while following the prescribed procedure. Results. The 20 Deparis meetings made it possible to formulate 270 preventive actions, 75% of which are concrete and not very expensive. These proposals were mainly related to the work organization, the maintenance of the working rooms and motivation of the workers to use the personal protective equipments. The main risks highlighted were the noise and the dust contamination. The psychosocial aspects (autonomoy, individual responsibilities, employment relationships within the personnel and with the hierarchy, psychosocial environment) were considered to lie normal Or satisfactory, but the participants hesitated to discuss these subjects, fearing that it could jeopardize their professional positions. Conclusion. In spite of the difficulties encountered in using the Deparis meetings, this approach contributed considerably to bring out the occupational risks and was the starting point of several in-depth studies particularly aiming to limit the risks of noise and dust contamination in the textile sector. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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