Population genetics of the peoples of Iran I. Genetic polymorphisms of blood groups, serum proteins and red cell enzymes

Autor: Surinder S. Papiha, P. Daneshmand, P. Amirshahi, S. H. Tavakoli, Dariush D. Farhud, E. Sunderland
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: International Journal of Anthropology. 7:1-10
ISSN: 1824-3096
Popis: Genetic polymorphisms of six blood groups and seven biochemical genetic markers were investigated in six Iranian populations (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians). Eight of the genetic systems (ABO, MNSs, Kidd, C3, AP, AK, PGM1 and EsD) showed conclusive heterogeneity among these populations. Comparison of gene frequencies with the few available samples of Iranian populations demonstrated an intra-ethnic and extensive overall genetic diversity in the Iranian plateau. A gradient of C3*F gene was also discernible within the geographical region of Iran which may reflect the relics of the historical movements of different racial groups in this region. The present genetic variation may reflect the differences in the structure of these populations, the analysis of which is further attempted in the accompanying paper.
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