Pathogenesis of Intradermal Staphylococcal Infections

Autor: Mariola Penadés, Sara Pérez-Fuentes, Elena Moreno-Grua, Alberto Arnau-Bonachera, Juan José Pascual, A. García-Quirós, Asunción Muñoz-Silvestre, Agustín Barragán, D. Viana, L. Selva, J.M. Corpa
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: The American Journal of Pathology. 190:1188-1210
ISSN: 0002-9440
DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2020.01.019
Popis: Despite the enormous efforts made to achieve effective tools that fight against Staphylococcus aureus, the results have not been successful. This failure may be due to the absence of truly representative experimental models. To overcome this deficiency, the present work describes and immunologically characterizes the infection for 28 days, in an experimental low-dose (300 colony-forming units) intradermal model of infection in rabbits, which reproduces the characteristic staphylococcal abscess. Surprisingly, when mutant strains in the genes involved in virulence (JΔagr, JΔcoaΔvwb, JΔhla, and JΔpsmα) were inoculated, no strong effect on the severity of lesions was observed, unlike other models that use high doses of bacteria. The inoculation of a human rabbitized (FdltBr) strain demonstrated its capacity to generate a similar inflammatory response to a wild-type rabbit strain and, therefore, validated this model for conducting these experimental studies with human strains. To conclude, this model proved reproducible and may be an option of choice to check both wild-type and mutant strains of different origins.
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