Lesson Learnt from First Application of Single Trip Completion with RFID and Unexpected Well Unloading Challenges Against Proven DST Data in Offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Autor: Ainul Azuan Masngot, Suman Kumar, Nurul Iffah M Garib, Mior Yusni Ahmad, Juhari Yang, Tunku Ahmad Farhan Tunku Kamaruddin, Mohd Zubair Mohd Azkah, Abd Hakim Basri
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Day 2 Wed, August 10, 2022.
Popis: A 500m open hole horizontal well with 2 segmented sections was completed with Single Trip Completion with RFID technology in July 2021. This is the first application in Petronas asset which resulted into 21% of cost saving in well completion element against conventional two trips completion. Despite successful of well completion, well unloading phase is distressing to meet the expected production target. This paper elaborates on single-trip completion operation with RFID application and challenges faced during well unloading job to deliver one of the highest oil producers in Malaysia Petronas Carigali asset. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology offers interventionless in both activation and contingency in well completion activity. The technology utilized the optimal completion activation solution in minimizing the well cost and reducing operational risk, thus, resulted into significant rig time saving. The RFID has facilitated well completion deployment in high angle well in one trip. As conventional new infill well completion phase, well unloading is the vital stage to demonstrate the well completion is upright placed at desired depth and the well completion accessories are fully operated. KX reservoir in PR field was discovered via exploration well and essential downhole tests were deployed namely DST, PBU, Downhole and Surface sampling to obtain as much as reservoir & crude oil data due to its green field reservoir. The FDP team forecasted the production rate as per proven acquired data. Unfortunately, one of the reservoir parameters was predicted undervalued which constrained 3 kbopd additional oil production to be commercially produced. RFID tool of completion accessories has the actuation mechanism which enables for single trip completion, and it eliminates well intervention job, negates the needs of tractor service, and reduces the risk of stuck of tools. The RFID suite of tools offers three activation mechanism which provide utmost flexibility in both downhole equipment activation and contingency methods to optimize the cost further particularly in marginal PR field development. Though getting the achievement of first application of single trip completion with RFID, this project has suffered irresolute GOR during well unloading phase. Higher actual GOR against tested data during DST and PVT sampling caused high flowing pressure at surface which exceeded the PSV (Pressure Safety Valve) setting pressure, thus, hindered the actual technical potential of the promised oil producer in Petronas Carigali asset. RFID is technology enabler for single-trip completion project in PR field which indirectly improves economics of marginal field development. Decent downhole and surface data acquisition during exploration doesn't assure guaranteed reservoir & crude property data to be used during field development plan.
Databáze: OpenAIRE