Prototyping novel collaborative multimodal systems

Autor: Alexander M. Arthur, Matt Wesson, Rebecca Lunsford, Sharon Oviatt
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: ICMI
DOI: 10.1145/1180995.1181039
Popis: To support research and development of next-generation multimodal interfaces for complex collaborative tasks, a comprehensive new infrastructure has been created for collecting and analyzing time-synchronized audio, video, and pen-based data during multi-party meetings. This infrastructure needs to be unobtrusive and to collect rich data involving multiple information sources of high temporal fidelity to allow the collection and annotation of simulation-driven studies of natural human-human-computer interactions. Furthermore, it must be flexibly extensible to facilitate exploratory research. This paper describes both the infrastructure put in place to record, encode, playback and annotate the meeting-related media data, and also the simulation environment used to prototype novel system concepts.
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