Young adults’ perceptions of cannabis risks, benefits, and quality of life by chronic pain status

Autor: Bethany Shorey-Fennell, Renee Magnan, Benjamin Ladd, Jessica Fales
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Abstracts from the 2021 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana July 23rd, 2021.
Popis: Many young adults experience chronic pain and may be more likely to self-medicate with cannabis. The present study examined perceptions of personal risks and benefits of cannabis use among young adult users, assessed if these perceptions varied by chronic pain status, and identified relationships among perceived risks and benefits, health-related quality of life, and cannabis-related problems. Young adult regular cannabis users (n=176), half of whom met criteria for chronic pain, reported their perceptions of lifetime risks and benefits associated with cannabis use, as well as their physical and mental health-related quality of life and cannabis-related problems. Overall, participants perceived low risk associated with their cannabis use and moderate benefits. Perceived risks and benefits of cannabis use were associated with mental, but not physical health-related quality of life. Only perceived risk was associated with cannabis-related problems. Cannabis use, problems, risks, and benefits did not differ by chronic pain status. As expected, young adults without chronic pain reported better physical and mental health-related quality of life than those with chronic pain. Finally, chronic pain status moderated the relationships between perceived benefits and physical health-related quality of life and cannabis problems. The current study offers insight into the role of perceived risks and benefits in young adults’ cannabis use and associations with physical and mental health outcomes. The effects of perceived benefits on physical health-related quality of life and cannabis-related problems may be conditional based on chronic pain status. Future research should further explore the relationship of perceived benefits of cannabis use on health outcomes and cannabis-related problems.
Databáze: OpenAIRE