Vibrissal Anesthesia and the Suppression of Intruder-Elicited Aggression in Rats

Autor: Kevin J. Flannelly, Robert W. Carty, Donald H. Thor
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: The Psychological Record. 26:255-261
ISSN: 2163-3452
DOI: 10.1007/bf03394384
Popis: Male Long-Evans intruders (N = 20) were individually exposed for 1-hr. intervals to established colonies of Long-Evans rats consisting of three males and one female. Prior to introduction of the intruder, all colony males received either subcutaneous anesthetic injections (lidocaine HC1) or saline placebo injections into the vibrissal pads. Aggressive responding of the anesthetized male residents was significantly curtailed, but normal social interactions were undiminished. The results suggest that: (a) vibrissal sensation has a significant role in the maintenance of normal social aggression in the colony-intruder paradigm, and (b) diminution of aggressive responding may not be attributed to a general decrease in all social behaviors.
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