The Argonne plasma engineering experiment (APEX) tokamak

Autor: L. J. Balka, J. Norem, S. Magill, A. Moretti, D. G. McGhee, E.C. Kulovitz, W. F. Praeg
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. 198:411-423
ISSN: 0167-5087
Popis: The Argonne plasma engineering experiment (APEX) tokamak was designed to provide hot plasmas for reactor-relevant experiments with rf heating (current drive) and plasma wall experiments, principally in situ low- Z wall coating and maintenance. The device, sized to produce energetic plasmas at minimum cost, is small ( R =51 cm, r =15 cm) but capable of high currents (100 kA) and long pulse durations (100 ms). A design using an iron central core with no return legs, pure tension tapewound toroidal field coils, digital radial position control, and UHV vacuum was used. Diagnostics include monochrometers, X-ray detectors, and a microwave interferometer and radiometer for density and temperature measurements. Stable 100 ms shots were produced with electron temperatures in the range 500–1000 eV. Initial results included studies of thermal desorption and recoating of wall materials.
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