What Classroom Observations Reveal About Reading Comprehension Instruction

Autor: Dolores Durkin
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Reading Research Quarterly. 14:481-533
ISSN: 0034-0553
DOI: 10.1598/rrq.14.4.2
Popis: Reading and social studies instruction in 39 thirdhrough sixtb7grade classrooms in central Illinois vas observed in a study' designed to determine whether elementary school classrooms provide oCapiiihension instruction. Ancmg the findings were that comprehension instruction was seen but that ceOrehensiOn.assessment, usually carried on through interrogation, ''Ither:cohliOni,that-other kinds of reading instruction vere not seen freqiency; that in addition to being interrogators, teachers 41110 appeared to be assignment-givers, spending .a-large part of the observed periods on giving and checking. assignments; that sizeable amounts of time vent to activities categorized as "'transition" and "noninstructionu; and that teachers did not see-the social studies-,, eriod'As h time to improve children's coaprehensicn abilities, but ustead were'concerned about covering content and having,children aster facts. (The report discusses definitions and examples of Comprehension instruction, notes differences between comprehension instruction and comprehension assessment, exrlains the categories used for teacher and_ student behavior, offers suggtstioms tor future research, and reports the findings of the study in descriptive and 'tabular. form.) (GP)
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