Design, assembly, and testing of a photon Doppler velocimetry probe

Autor: Michael R. Furlanetto, Kevin D. McGillivray, Brent C. Frogget, D.S. Sorenson, Brian C. Cox, Cenobio H. Gallegos, Robert M. Malone, Lori E. Primas, Douglas O. DeVore, Morris I. Kaufman, Edward Daykin, Daniel K. Frayer, Vincent T. Romero, Michael A. Shinas, David L. Esquibel, Peter Pazuchanics, Brian M. Cata, Matthew E. Briggs, David B. Holtkamp
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: A novel fiber -optic probe measures the velocity distribution of an imploding surface a long many lines of sight. Reflected light from each spot on the moving surface is Doppler shifted with a small portion of this light propagating backwards through the launching fiber. The reflected light is mixed with a reference laser in a technique called photon Doppler velocimetry, providing continuous time records. Within the probe, a matrix array of 56 single -mode fibers sends light through a n optical relay consisting of three types of lenses. Seven sets of these relay lenses are grouped into a close -packed array allowing the interrogation of seven regions of interest. A six -faceted prism with a hole drilled into its center direct s the light beams to the different regions. Several types of relay lens systems have been evaluated, including doublets and molded aspheric singlets. The optical design minimizes beam diameters an d also provides excellent imaging capabilities. One of the fiber matrix arrays can be replaced by a n imaging coherent bundle. This close -packed array of seven relay systems provides up to 476 beam trajectories. The pyramid prism has its six facets polished at two different angles that will vary the density of surface point coverage. F iber s in the matrix arrays are angle polished at 8° to minimize back reflections. This causes the minimum beam waist to vary along different trajectories. Precision metrology o n the direction cosine trajectories is measured to satisfy environmental requirements for vibration and temperature. Keywords: photon Doppler v elocimetry, PDV, pyramid prism, optical metrology, velocimetry, optical alignment
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