Abstract MP59: Mediating the Medical, Economic and Social Impact of HF: There is an APP for That

Autor: Denise Peterson, Samir Chatterjee, Sharon Fabbri, Nagla Alnosayan, Mercy Kagoda, Wayne Dysinger, Linda Houston-Feenstra, Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Circulation. 131
ISSN: 1524-4539
Popis: The continued rise in cost of Heart failure (HF) management, begs the question, why can advances in science and medicine not stem this rising cost? Why do patients fail to adhere to prescribed medications and lifestyle recommendations? Lack of effective training for patient/families challenge successful transition to home due to conflicts generated by pressure within the patient’s home environment reinforced by societal attitudes about food. This pilot was designed as a multidisciplinary project, including information systems professionals, clinicians, and patients working together to develop/evaluate a customized mobile phone application (app). Using, home based monitoring of daily weights, blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, and a dash board of cumulative data accessed daily by clinicians. A built in algorithm identifies patients’ risk for re-admission based on changes in their vital signs or self-reported symptoms defined by clinical staff as representing best practices pathways decision points. 7 patients with a clinical diagnosis of HF who had documentation of at least one HF related admission in the past 14 months were recruited to trial the App. Patients have been followed for 120 days with an endpoint of 365 days. Data points for outcomes are: HF related hospitalizations; emergency department and urgent care visits, weight, blood pressure, and Minnesota living with heart failure quality of life. Preliminary data analysis shows mean compliance rate for daily measurements = 68.5%. Utilization has prevented one HF readmission, changed one admission from an acute ICU readmission into a short stay guided HF admission, accomplished by early identification of symptoms that unmanaged would have resulted in a more serious and lengthy admission. This integrated innovative system has demonstrated improved accountability and outcomes in the enrolled participants. Patient input at 120 days resulted in system revisions. Data collection will restart and continue to the 365 day end point.
Databáze: OpenAIRE