Технологія створення та особливості росту сосни і модрини у лісових культурах Західного Полісся

Autor: S. Belelia, Iu. Debryniuk
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України. :54-63
ISSN: 2616-5015
DOI: 10.15421/411707
Popis: Larch in forest plantations of the Western Polissya is mostly cultivated in mixed plantations with the Scots pine participation. Taking into account the need to increase the actual productivity of forest plantations to a potential level, the increasing the biotic stability of pine plantations and introducing a limited amount of larch into plantations of the region is considered as a topical problem. The object of the research were the plantations with the participation of Pinus sylvestris L. and species of the genus Larix L. in connection with the technology of their planting and cultivation. The technological elements of the planting and growth of the main and accompanying species in 1-5- year-old forest cultures the subject of were the research. The aim of the research is to compare the characteristics of growth by height of Scots pine and various species of larch in forest cultures of relatively poor (fairly infertile pine site type) and relatively rich (fairly fertile site type) of fresh and moist types of forest growing conditions. The main species are Pinus sylvestris L., Larix decidua Mill., Larix eurolepis H., associate species – Picea abies L. [Karst.] We studied the plantations which are growing on the territory of the forest fund of the Sarny State Forestry enterprises, the Rivne Forestry Enterprise and the Sosnivka Forestry Enterprise of the Rivne Regional Forestry and Hunting Administration. It was found that among the 1-year-old cultures, a significant advantage in height comparing to Scots pine, has Larix decidua (in 1.5-2.1 times), and especially – Larix eurolepis (3.1 times). In 3-year-old cultures, the advantage of the European larch over the Scots pine in average height is 1.5 times, in terms of maximum height – 1.7 times. The average increment in height in the one year-old cultures of European larch is noticeably higher than in Scots pine (2.4-3.0 times). In 3-year-old cultures, the advantage of larch over the pine on this indicator remains the same (in 13 -1.6 times). In 4-year-old cultures, the advantage of larch over pine in height in moist fairly infertile pine site type is 2.0, and the advantage over pine and spruce in moist fairly fertile site types – 2.3-2.4 times. In 5-year-old forest cultures, in terms of average height, larch has an advantage over pine in 1.5-2.2, over spruce – in 2.6-3.6 times. A moist type of forest growth conditions are optimal only for spruce, whereas larch and pine grow better in fresh types. However, according to the results of research, pine, and especially larch, are stand out by rather a high growth rate in moist relatively rich types of forest-growing conditions. When planting forest crops, the following scheme of the planting spots was mainly used – 2.0 x 1.0 m, based on the possible mortality of larch. However, the mortality rate was insignificant (4-7%), in connection with which the plant spacing for the species, given its high growth rate, is insufficient. The initial crops density with 5.0 thousand pieces / ha for fast-growing larch is also too large. Taking into account the subtype of forest growing conditions, it is recommended to the plant spacing in rows of larch in fresh and moist fairly fertile site type set within the range of 1.5-2.0 m, and in the conditions of fresh and moist fairly infertile site types – 1.3-1.5 m.
Databáze: OpenAIRE