The Geomorphological Relations of the South-Eastern Part of the Bouzovská Vrchovina (Highland)

Autor: Ivan Veselý
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Geografie. 83:225-237
ISSN: 2571-421X
DOI: 10.37040/geografie1978083040225
Popis: The territory investigated is situated in the middle part af the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, approximately 20 km westward from the town of Olomouc. The geomorphological unit of the Bouzovská vrchovina (highland) is a component part of the Zábřežská vrchovina (highland) belonging to the Sudeten System of the Česká vrchovina (Bohemian Highlands). Geologically the south-eastern part of the Bouzovská vrchovina (highland) belongs to the Moravin-Silesilan zone of the Bohemian Massif. Lower Carboniferous rock in Culm development form the Prequarternary substratum. The structurally geological foundation of relief - morphostructure - is formed in the south-eastern part or Bouzovská vrchovina (highland) by several blocks of Lower Carboniferous rocks, caused by the tectonic dissection of varisca of the consolidated platform foundation of the Česká vysočina (Bohemian Highlands). This morphostructure was modelled by erosian-denudatianal processes to the present state. Even the network of water streams conformed to morphostructure. According to the main types on the morphostructural basis with climamorphogenetic differentiation the territory studied is a block highland belonging to the epiplatform orogenetic zone of the Česká vysočina (Bohemian Highlands). From the morphostructures the planation surfaces are significant terrain forms. They are mainly parts of the originally homogeneous planation surface dislocated vertically by younger tectonic movements. Some of them have got the characters of pediments. Fault slopes are formed in the directions of main tectonic lines according to which vertical movements of rocks blocks occurred. They are the real fault slopes. The fault slopes in the direction NW-SE have the incline approximately 8-20°, slopes in the direction WSW-ENE 15-30°. It seems that the slopes in the direction NW-SE are older, affected more by denudatian. Some valleys have a character of the break valleys. In the valleys of water streams there is an expressive asymmetry of valley sides. The vertical asymmetry was caused by radical tectonic movements. The slope- angle asymmetry was caused by different insolation of valley slopes in Pleistacene.
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