The Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Breast Precancer Atlas: A Multi-Omic Integrative Analysis of Ductal Carcinoma in situ With Clinical Outcomes

Autor: Siri H Strand, Daisy Yi Ding, Gaorav P. Gupta, Belén Rivero-Gutiérrez, Bryan Harmon, Allison Hall, Kristalyn K. Gallagher, Kornelia Polyak, Lauren Anderson, Gabrielle B. Rocque, Robyn Burns, Jose A. Seoane, Lunden A Simpson, Katherine DeSchryver, Luis Cisneros, Tari King, Shu Jiang, Deborah J. Veis, Julie R. Nangia, Robert Tibshirani, Jeffrey R. Marks, Alastair M. Thompson, Robert B. West, Chunfang Zhu, Jason K. Wang, Ana Maria Storniolo, Priscilla F. McAuliffe, Jingqin Luo, Jennifer F. Tseng, Graham A. Colditz, E. Shelley Hwang, Cody Straub, Joanna Lee, Sujay Vennam, Dadong Zhang, Shirley Zhu, Lorraine M. King, Sushama Varma, Mark R. Kilgore, Timothy Hardman, Jen Tappenden, Angela DeMichele, Christina Curtis, Kouros Owzar, Robert M. Angelo, Magdalena Matusiak, Carlo C. Maley, Sucheta Srivastava, Kathleen E. Houlahan, Fergus J. Couch, Tyler Risom, Aziz Kahn
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3874170
Popis: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the most commonly diagnosed precursor of invasive breast cancer (IBC), with variable propensity for progression. We have performed the first multiscale, integrated profiling of DCIS with clinical outcomes to identify predictors of subsequent ipsilateral breast events. We analyzed 677 DCIS samples from 481 patients with 7.1 years median follow-up from two independent cohorts. We made observations on DNA, RNA, and protein expression, and generated a de novo clustering scheme for DCIS that represents the fundamental transcriptomic organization at this early stage of breast neoplasia. Distinct DCIS stromal expression patterns and immune cell compositions were identified. We also found RNA expression patterns that correlate with later events in both cohorts. Our multiscale approach employed in situ methods to generate a spatially resolved atlas of breast precancers, where complementary modalities can be directly compared and correlated with conventional pathology findings, disease states, and clinical outcome.
Databáze: OpenAIRE