Ward based teaching in a specialised clinical area. The outcome of implementing an induction pack for nursing staff new to the ward setting. Pilot study

Autor: Krzysztof Ciesielski
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Background: This pilot study presents a summary and evaluation of results from an 18-month project undertaken in an inpatient ward in clinical haematology. It was recognised that the level of basic clinical haematology knowledge varied amongst new nursing staff therefore, to improve the experience and to provide the same background knowledge, the induction pack was introduced. The aims of this study are to investigate whether the induction pack was useful to new nursing staff and to assess if more time is needed to complete the induction pack. Methods: This quantitative pilot study included 10 registered nursing staff who were new to the clinical area. Quantitative data was collected with the use of a self-completion survey composed of 8 short questions. Data was analysed with the use of percent proportion formula. Results: Final results are presented in a pie chart as percentages. Members of the staff participating in this study agreed with a total of 90% and disagreed with a total of 10% the induction pack was useful. The induction pack had a total of 60% success rate in being completed within the scheduled time frame. Conclusion: Overall, the induction pack has made a positive impact and contribution to the ward-based teaching. The aims of the study were met and the results showed that there were strong agreement or agreement between participants that the induction pack was useful. The results also suggested that nursing staff who are new to the clinical area, may needed more time to complete the induction pack.
Databáze: OpenAIRE