Detailed Analysis of Slanted Reflective Array Compressors

Autor: C. Waterkeyn, H. Gautier
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: 1983 Ultrasonics Symposium.
DOI: 10.1109/ultsym.1983.198041
Popis: The use of slanted transducers together with adequate reflective arrays allows for the design of verx wide relative bandwidth dispersive delay lines LI) . To control the transfer function accu- rately, a precise analysis method is required. Since those used for classical RACs do not apply, we developed a novel 2-dimensionnal analysis tech- nique. The principle is to subdivide the slanted transducers into elementary constant aperture trans- ducers. Each elementary uniform incident wave in- teracts with a corresponding elementary RAC struc- ture which is turn cross-wise subdivided into strips where the reflected wave amplitude is uni- form. The overall transfer function is then compu- ted by double summation over all elementary trans- ducers and all reflector strips. Further simplifi- cation can be introduced. Experimental results on dispersive filters opera- ting over the frequency band
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