Parateksty polskich przekładów z literatury włoskiej w czasach stalinowskich

Autor: Jolanta Dygul
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Italica Wratislaviensia. 1:85-97
ISSN: 2084-4514
DOI: 10.15804/iw.2010.01.05
Popis: The aim of the article is to present the strategy of political manipulation in the paratexts which contain the translations of Italian literature in Poland of Stalinist era. To demonstrate different editorial procedures, the analysis takes into consideration two most significant examples: three editions of the novel by Renata Viganò entitled Agnese va a morire (the first two from 1951, the third from 1955) and the publication of a fragment of the novel by Elio Vittorini entitled Sempione strizza l’occhio al Frejus in “Przekrój” magazine in 1953. The selection of these examples shows a specific modal frame into which the translations of Italian Literature were forced. Due to that procedure, the Italian novel could be read in connection with other propaganda texts which constitute the intertextual context, determine the interpretation key and intensify the propaganda message.
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